#060 | Selling Yourself to Yourself in 60 Seconds

MAIM TIME Episode 60

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#060: I'm going through The Magic of Thinking Big by David Schwartz. This is perfectly in line with the content matter of Psycho-Cybernetics by Maxwell Maltz - check out MAIM TIME #059 to hear me talk about that book that changed my life. I recommend you check that out first, it will give more context to this episode.

In Chapter 6: You Are What You Think You Are, he tells you to create a 60-second "sell-yourself-to-yourself" commercial. It's a pep-talk you can tell yourself everyday.

In this episode, I share mine to give you ideas on how you can have your own 60-second sell-yourself-to-yourself commercial!

As always, please check out this episode's show notes page on the website for more valuable info.

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